sábado, 30 de junho de 2007


A ti mar de gentes
Em tão quieto lugar
Espanta-te a dor do mundo
De vida dormente
De vida a chorar
De desprezo profundo

E em teu desvario
De viveres arredio
Que a vida não sentiu
Temes o desafio
Puta que pariu
tanta busca de vazio

2 comentários:

MS disse...

Yeah, no freedom of being what they wanna be and say what they wanna say right there and then!
Be scared is OK. Be blocked by fear (no way). Drive further and not givin up ideals and goals, so not be scared off by the challenge that's the way!
Life is awesome (cause we have the chance to be what we want to be!!! what we believe in). Yet life is not easy! (never was for me anyway, nothing came easy to me, had to fight for everything).
So if we try, the best we can...we can stand up from the crowd. Even if nobody sees it (or wants to acknowledge it) we know it and that's what count! We don't get dragged by negativity. In life, it doesn't matter if we win or loose, it matters that we participated actively, we were there! We did the best we could, and most importantly that we played it FAIR!

redjan disse...

Guess u right b hobbo ! guess u do !!